Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Alleviating The Distress Caused By Tinnitus, Hyperacusis And Misophonia: Current Perspectives

by Oct 28, 2019Research0 comments

Hashir Aazh, Michael Landgrebe, Ali A Danesh, Brian CJ Moore

Abstract: “This article reviews the evidence related to the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for alleviating the distress caused by tinnitus, hyperacusis and misophonia.

CBT for Misophonia: “The CBT intervention for misophonia-related distress aims to break the vicious cycle by helping the individual to explore their negative thought processes and to modify them. Unfortunately, there appear to be no published RCTs evaluating the effectiveness of CBT in alleviating the distress caused by misophonia. Therefore, the review… is based on case studies…

… the limited available evidence suggests that CBT is effective in treating misophonia. However, there is a lack of RCTs. Future studies should include one or more control groups, preferably including an active control group, randomization of patients to groups, and the use of validated misophonia outcome measures.”

Conclusion: “There is strong evidence from RCTs supporting the effectiveness of CBT in alleviating the distress caused by tinnitus in comparison to passive control groups and sometimes active control groups. CBT for tinnitus can be effective both in individual and in group settings, whether delivered by psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, or specially trained audiologists. CBT for tinnitus can also be effective when delivered via the internet, when combined with help from audiologists. CBT does not usually reduce the loudness of tinnitus. Further RCTs are needed to establish whether CBT is more effective than some other forms of psychological interventions.

Case studies and some limited RCTs suggest that CBT can also be effective in alleviating the distress caused by hyperacusis and misophonia. However, RCTs with active control groups are needed to establish the effectiveness of CBT for hyperacusis and misophonia.”

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