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Does anyone ever mistake something for your trigger sound’s typical source, get triggered, then you realize that it’s really something innocuous and become able to tolerate an almost identical sound from that source? I thought my bf was clipping his nails and started getting mad, but it turned out he was just looking at some small magnets I have that were clicking together, and that was fine.
This happens to me often; my reaction changes greatly depending on my knowledge of the source of the sound. I’m extremely affected by the sound of bass (not if I can hear the music, but just that, like, “feeling” bass through the walls), but if it turns out the sound is something else (construction equipment, for example) the emotional response vanishes.
There’s an inherent rage-inducing quality to a repetitive sound that I know is being caused by another person. It makes the sound really intense, stemming from an impression of how inconsiderate the person is being.
Julie anne McCambridge
This fits in with what I believe about how we are triggered. It’s not the actual noise but the rudeness or insensitivity we perceive in it. On public transport recently I was triggered but a older gentleman sniffing repeatedly. After a couple of minutes though he found a hanky and blew his nose. After that, the occasional sniff didn’t bother me because he had tried. So many people don’t even seem to realise it is a terrible sounding rudeness to sniff loudly and repeatedly in public.
Oh – I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to hear someone else talk about this!! It’s only a couple of weeks since I heard about misophonia, and to know it is an actual issue has made such a difference. And now someone else who has the issue with bass noises, and the emotional responses depending on its source. It’s Friday night in my country town, and I’m waiting for the parties to start. I will be in the midst of a cacophony of bass, coming from all directions, and I know I will just have to turn the TV up louder and louder to get over it. I have tried all sorts of things to get over this. Meditation, psychologists. Ear plugs, head sets. I have a drawer full of different earplugs – I’m sure others can relate! It’s the bass that really gets to me. Fortunately I now live on my own, so all the breathing and chewing and tapping noises are over and done with (and, by and large, a headset at work keeps me sane). Any solutions to the bass noise? It has got me into so much hot water with neighbours – makes me want to go and meditate up a high mountain miles from any other human (and definitely miles from any source of electricity!). Thanks for listening!!
My worst triggers are other people’s mouth noises. I had a huge revelation about this trigger when I realized I have zero problem hearing either of my dogs eat. Their mouth noises are objectively more disgusting than most (though not every) humans. I started REALLY listening to my dogs’ chewing/slobbering noises. Almost dissecting the sounds. There is absolutely part of this that is about the humans afflicting the sound. I think that’s why there is a significant rage response. It’s somehow linked to a primal sense of being wronged somehow.
This is absolutely the case and I’m so glad that someone else brought this up. It’s not the sound, it’s the self-conscious idea that someone is doing it deliberately either because they are selfish and don’t care about other people, or to be offensive, or to frighten me even though I logically know that isn’t the case. My nervous system feels attacked and so I go into fight or flight. When my cat eats, I find his eating noises adorable. If a human made those noises, I would have to leave the room or resist a very powerful urge to punch them in the neck. Obviously, I am never violent. It’s just the overwhelming nervous system survival response. If I hear a thumping bass noise and think it’s the neighbour playing loud music, I want to run away and go and confront them at the same time. When I figure out that it’s just a tumble dryer and will end soon, I have no more problem with it. It is without a doubt connected to my perception that people are disrespectful and inconsiderate and have no regard for the fact that we live in close proximity. I love that someone else made this observation. The child next-door would make very loud screeching noises in our communal hallway, causing my heart to race and I was having a panic attack. My husband had to point out to me that the child is very young, preverbal, and just learning to walk. I went and looked out the door to see the child and when I saw that she really was just a baby and not a misbehaved brat who should know better, the shrieking no longer bothered me. She’s just an innocent child. Not a poorly behaved older child with parents letting her run wild. To sum up, I believe the context of the noise to be very important in whether or not it acts as or remains a trigger.
Oh My Gosh! I absolutely agree with this! Finding this site 2 days ago has made me feel supported and not alone with my affliction.I get really mad when I hear loud music and tradespeople working earlier than they should be or on weekends. Do they not care that they are disturbing others’ peace? Why is it that when we THINK it is a certain noise and find out that it is something totally different, that we suddenly can accept the noise? It baffles me but is a relief! Another point that was made I can relate to is the anticipation of noises, particularly parties of a weekend. I too live in a very small country town and as quiet as it can be, if there is a party, there is only open space to exacerbate the noise and volume. I actually love it when I know it is going to rain, as generally, people stay indoors. Even the weather report can trigger me into a frenzy!