question about possible treatment

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      I’ve suffered from Misophonia form the age of 5 or 6, from have only 1 trigger noise to now many, it’s the usual triggers, eating, slurping, chewing, snoring etc. I wanted to ask a question about a possible treatment but don’t know where to direct it too.

      In the BBC news article in Feb 2017 about the study done at Newcastle, it was mentioned that a possible treatment could be targeted electricity being passed through the skull. At the time I didn’t really think much of it but a week ago I watch a BBC programme called ‘trust me am a doctor’, there was a piece about stimulating the brain, there were 2 device used to treat people with PTSD, the 2nd device is what intrigued me, a small portable device that stimulated the brain (a non-invasive device), the official title is trigeminal nerve stimulation, apparently so far in trials it has worked well and the makers claim it can treat other issues like chronic pain, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression and tinnitus, no mention of Misophonia but it’s still a relative unknown condition. I have added links to the BBC programme below and a link to the makers of the device. I wanted to know what your thoughts are on this device, could it be used for treating Misophonia or am I talking nonsense?




      #4612 Reply

        I like the idea of electrical brain stimulation, but I’m doubtful that TNS would be of use. I think that miso is a primarily a psychological disorder, and the trigeminal nerve is fairly far away, as nerves go, from the part of the brain miso has been shown to involve.

        If I could deliver little shocks into my amygdala though, that’s something I’d like to try!

        #4615 Reply

        Hi Curtis and Waq7!

        Thanks so much for the comment.

        The evidence points to miso being a neurological disorder (rather than a psychological one), so it maybe that electrical brain stimulation could help. It would be interesting to find out as Curtis points out, if the trigeminal nerve was the best place to target given that the amygdala is the engine room of the ‘panic mode’. It maybe that there’s merit in targeting some of the relevant sensory nerves (like the trigeminal) given that they effectively act as inputs.

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