Now I’m paranoid about eating

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  • #1010051 Reply

      Hello I’m so sorry to write about something but I have to get it of my chest 🙁 I hate sounds my god I can’t cope with the thought of someone breathing next to me … And eating my god now I panic that I make noise while breathing and eating I have to sit on my own most of the time… Like in a different room… I tried talking about it to my Dr and they looked at me as if I was dull … People need to be aware of this … X

      #1010087 Reply

        Very few people haven’t the faintest clue about Misophonia so I wouldn’t worry.

        #1010495 Reply

          i haven’t eaten around anyone (including my mum) for 12 years. every meal and snack, i will have in my bedroom. i haven’t been out for a meal since i was a child.

          i always assumed it because of empathy – i hate these noises so i don’t like making these noises around others.

          this is the first time i’ve ever seen anyone with the same problem of not eating around others. nice to know we are not alone 😀

          #1010501 Reply

            The chances are they won’t be bothered as there doesn’t appears may of us about in the world so I wouldn’t worry!

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