My Mom smacks her lips really fast about 20 times an hour.

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  • #1009661 Reply

      My mother will smack the front of her lips together about 20 times per hour. Nobody else hears it but me. I can’t focus on anything else. My husband can’t be still. He wants to tap his feet, play like he’s playing a drum with his fingers and I finally got him to stop whistling. People should be given tickets for making sounds like these. It’s clearly noise pollution! This is interfering in my everyday life. I hate people that I have never met.

      Ever noticed how people in the candy isle have to get their bag of candy and feel it up? Just squeeze and make the bag rattle? Get the bag and put it in the basket. I need some help!

      #1009972 Reply

        It makes you wonder who’s on what planet!

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