My boss has misophonia, how do I deal with the angry outbursts?

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  • #1009031 Reply

      My boss has misophonia and told me a couple of months ago that my eating in his presence was triggering. So I no longer eat around him. We travel together in large teams for work, so I always leave and go to another room when everyone is eating, because I don’t want to be the target of the outburst. We are very good friends, or so I thought, but in the last couple of months when someone else is crackling cellophane opening up their sandwich or fast food bag, or slurping their coffee loudly, he starts to turn red, and then there will be an angry outburst and the last couple times it’s been directed at me. Which is clearly unfair, because I am super paranoid and I’m now quiet as a mouse. It might be because we’re good friends, or so I thought, that he feels like he can get away with it, but it is humiliating. The last two times, was right after lunch, after I came back into the room, I hadn’t done anything, but I saw the red face, I could hear his heavy breathing, and I knew it was coming. So I try to be super quiet, no rustling of my papers, I try to breathe softly and not move, but it’s starting to give me PTSD. I’m afraid to say anything because he is my boss and he’s really big and mean.Any suggestions?

      #1009044 Reply

        Ask to have a word and ask what you are doing wrong more than others as another way of saying why you picking on me! It might help him apologise and make him make more of an effort to not target you more.

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