How long to calm?

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  • #1010857 Reply

      Hi everyone
      I’m curious to know, when you manage to ‘escape’ from a trigger (ie when you run out the room, trying not to scream as you go – as I often do) how long does it take for you to get rid of those fight or flight thoughts/feelings?
      I usually find that I calm down quite quickly once I’m away from a trigger but I wondered if it was different for other people?

      #1010869 Reply

      Hi Grace,

      That’s a really good question and I’ll be interested to hear the responses too.

      For me it’s pretty much instant (i.e. when I’ve completely got away and have had a chance to take a few deep breaths).

      #1010894 Reply

        I calm down once I’m away from a trigger, but if the trigger is low bass thumping I find it takes a few hours as I am almost just waiting for it to start again. I also find that a few hours after I am trying to justify why I reacted like I did and it can leave me tearful for several hours, which can lead to sleepless night and then migraine

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