dog eating noises.

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  • #1010059 Reply
    jerry lord

      Hello all ,now here is a funny thing .when people make all those horrible mouth noises when they eat and drink I find it somewhat irritating to say the least but when my dog and cats make similar noises when eating and drinking it dosn’t annoy me at all and often I find it funny , I wonder if anyone else here isnt affected by their dog or cat /other pets when they make all the noises that we cannot stand in fellow humans ,Just another thing i would like to bring up is that i am finding that other sounds are beginning to irritate me .the sound of water being poured and glugging into a glass , coughing ,tapping, sniffing and nail biting to name a few. wishing you all well ,jerry ..

      #1010074 Reply
      Jamie Mullendore

        Hi Jerry. I literally just joined the forum, and I could not pass up your post, lol.

        I literally fly in to a rage at the sound of my house pets eating and drinking. I have 4 dogs, 2 adult cats and 3 kittens in the house. One of the kittens is a terrorist who likes to walk around the house making this strange chirping noise. I want to kill him at times. I’m serious, and I am embarrassed to even say that. I have to put in earplugs, leave the room or turn on really loud music. It makes me feel awful because my beloved pets know Mommy is a psycho and not to eat or drink when I am around. I am triggered by human noises, too, but the pets crunching and slurping…ARGH!!

        On the funnier side, it’s ONLY my house pets that I freak out about, as far as the animals go. I live on a farm with 100 rabbits, 20 goats, ducks, chickens, and horses. Nothing is more peaceful to me than listening to the soft gentle sounds of the horses munching their hay.

        I’m so glad I found this forum, I hope I can learn some coping mechanisms. It really effects my state of mind and my relationship with my husband.

        All my best, JamieInWyoming

        #1010226 Reply

          So the dog will not understand you if you tell him to stop but my advice to you is to stay away from him maybe you love the dog but your health is more important you can give him to a animal center or something else

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