Do i have misophonia? Or maybe im just „crazy”?

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  • #1011406 Reply

      Hi! Im Ola. For the past 20 years i Was thinking that im “crazy” and no one can understand me.
      I cant stand repetitive sounds like snoring, knocking, banging and even the repetitive sound playing on computer or piano. Some of those sounds makes me angry and other makes me feel like im drifting away and going to pass out.
      Last summer i have to do MRI and it was the lonegst 30 min in my life. Repetitive electronic sound is the one that makes me feel drifting away and feel like im crazy. For example when you dont put your seat belts on, the car is beeping over and over and i feel like im going crazy, pass out and driffting away at the same time.
      I know that my main trigger is repetition of sounds and no control of stoping them.
      Is anyone have the same issue? Please let me know.

      #1011484 Reply

        That is misophonia – just look at the website

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