by Allergic to Sound | Apr 10, 2021 | Creative Corner |
This poem was submitted by Allergic to Sound reader, Ashlan my tears dissolving in a flood of curdled milk spewing from that mouth from that bulbous woman that she-devil spilt-salted over my left shoulder that bulbous woman caterwauling penetrating past my earbuds of...
by Allergic to Sound | Mar 7, 2021 | Creative Corner |
These art works were submitted by Allergic to Sound reader, Laura Thomas. You can see more of her work on Instagram,...
by Allergic to Sound | Mar 30, 2020 | Creative Corner |
This poem was submitted by Allergic to Sounds reader, Paul Wilkins Love, Joy and Delight! By Paul Wilkins Your mind and emotion hold the key They’re the things to set you free What ‘er the day What ‘er the night Fulfil yourself with love, joy and delight Sadness and...