Reply To: How to Tell a Loved One They’re Affecting You?

Home Page Forums Misophonia Forum How to Tell a Loved One They’re Affecting You? Reply To: How to Tell a Loved One They’re Affecting You?


    This is a very interesting thread, the first one on here I have read and first to comment.
    I have only really been aware of this condition in the last 6 months or so from a BBC article, which led me to UK Misophonia (Sound Sensitivity) Support Group on meet up (Another corner of the internet I never knew existed).
    On that site, Zed has just mentioned his article on here, and here I am.

    For me this comes down to the very heart of my problem. I am now pretty sure I have this condition on some level, and most of what I rage about is things my wife does. But I cant tell her. For years she has been struggling with a broken husband who has had various bouts of mental health problems from past traumas and finally been told its PTSD. Due to this fact and other factors, she has just as many problems as I. So I am not sure how well it will be received if I then drop the bombshell that her eating and sometimes speech drives me up the wall.

    I cant imagine a moment when its going to be ok to bring this up, and I don’t want her to think I am making crap up. I certainly don’t want her to be upset and think I am in some way blaming her (But I fear that is how it will be taken).

    I am most definitely stuff between classic rock and a hard place.
