What is Misophonia?
Misophonia literally means “hatred of sound”.
It’s also known as ‘Selective Sound Sensitivity’ (which is a bit of a mouthful).
Simply put, misophonia sufferers have an adverse reaction to certain noises or sounds. Typically these sounds include chewing, lip smacking (when people eat), tapping, crunching, rustling at other fairly common day to day sounds.

Misophonia, noun, “A neurological disorder in which negative experiences, such as anger or disgust, are triggered by specific sounds”
This website has been setup to help sufferers and friends of sufferers get more understanding of this condition
Where to Get Treatment for Misophonia
The number one question I'm asked is: "How can I get help for my misophonia... or my child's misophonia?" What follows here is everything I know about misophonia diagnosis and treatment from resources which I believe to be reputable. But before we get started please...
Why Exposure Therapy Doesn’t Work for Misophonia
In this article we're going to look at a popular so-called 'cure' for misophonia. Exposure therapy. First we'll consider the theory behind the treatment, then we'll look at how this treatment should in no way be applied to misophonia whatsoever. So what is exposure...
Where Does That Feeling of ‘Over Presence’ Sit Within the Sensory Spectrum?
Have you ever experienced a feeling of overbearing? Like someone in the room’s presence is overwhelming you... but you’re not quite sure why. Everyone else around you seems unaffected but you feel an intense discomfort and an urge to get away. We know that misophonia...
The Big Reveal: Your Favourite Misophonia Coping Techniques
How do you cope? We all have different ways of dealing with our misophonia and we can all learn from one another's experiences. Below is a collection of your favourite misophonia coping techniques. These are tips that you've emailed in or posted on the forum or left...
Is Misophonia a Genetic Trait? DNA Tests Suggest There May Be a Link
Embrace your inner geek, this is really interesting stuff... Gene bods, 23andMe, have conducted some research which they believe indicates that misophonia is potentially a genetic trait. The numbers are relatively small at this stage, the findings are VERY broad so...
4 Common Misophonia Misconceptions
Let's face it, misophonia is a strange disorder... Life would be a lot easier if it was as easy to explain as, say, an intolerance to gluten or a hay fever allergy. Perhaps the biggest misconception is that misophonia is a hatred of sound in general. The reality is...
Why misophonia can make you feel tired and mentally drained (and 7 ways to fight back)
My colleague has been finger drumming the desk for 3 minutes now... He does this most days. 'Rational brain' knows it's a harmless, innocuous thing, yet every time I hear that sound my brain screams "%@@$£!!" and I just want to sprint out of the office and dive...
Why Misophonia is a Sensory Processing Disorder and Not an Anger Disorder
As humans we relate more easily to things we experience firsthand. Like the pain of stubbed toe… Everyone knows the feeling, that sharp, throbbing pain. When we see it happening to others we almost feel a physical jolt in our own bodies. We know exactly how that...
When Sounds Trigger Strong Reactions and What You Can Do [Video]
This superb webinar presentation was conducted by Duke University and the International Misophonia Research Network. Grab a cup of tea and a biscuit (a soundless biscuit preferably, maybe a wafer) and take a look at this. It's packed full of information about...
A Misophonia Template Letter You Can Adapt and Give to Teachers
If your son or daughter is experiencing difficulties at school because of their misophonia, this may help. Dr Jennifer Kanter-Brout from Misophonia International has prepared a template letter that you can give to your doctor or medical professional to adapt and...