Misophonia Articles
This is where you’ll find all the latest articles about misophonia, including the science behind it, different theories, coping mechanisms, campaigns, help for loved ones and more.
The secret to living a happy and fulfilling life with misophonia is to understand it. Knowing what’s happening in your brain and body gives you the ability to take back some control and find ways to thrive with this disorder.
When Sounds Trigger Strong Reactions and What You Can Do [Video]
This superb webinar presentation was conducted by Duke University and the International Misophonia Research Network. Grab a cup of tea and a biscuit (a soundless biscuit preferably, maybe a wafer) and take a look at this. It's packed full of information about...
A Misophonia Template Letter You Can Adapt and Give to Teachers
If your son or daughter is experiencing difficulties at school because of their misophonia, this may help. Dr Jennifer Kanter-Brout from Misophonia International has prepared a template letter that you can give to your doctor or medical professional to adapt and...
8 Misophonia Coping Strategies
The question I’m most often asked by readers is what are the best misophonia coping strategies? Are there any techniques that we can use to help us cope when we hear misophonia trigger sounds and how can we stop that feeling of sheer panic from ruling us? Let's start...
Latest LeDoux Lab Misophonia Study Findings (January 2017)
LeDoux Lab Misophonia Study Findings (January 2017) LeDoux Lab Findings (January 2017) Joseph LeDoux and Lorenzo Diaz-Mataix NYU at the LeDoux Lab Summary: "... Dr. LeDoux and Dr. Lorenzo Díaz-Mataix are studying two parts of the amygdala in order to see where the...
Deborah’s Misophonia Story
This is the #7 edition of our new My Misophonia Story series. This week features Deborah (12) from Canada. Each week we'll feature a new reader story, so if you'd like to share yours, please drop us a line. Deborah, take it away... Where are you from? Ontario, Canada...
Misophonia treatment and the need for ethics and regulation
Misophonia treatment and the monetisation of our condition is a complex and challenging issue. We all want to find something that genuinely works to ease the suffering and anxiety that misophonia can cause patients. It doesn't matter who discovers it, or even whether...
How to get diagnosis and treatment for misophonia in the UK
The first thing to note is that most GPs and health professionals in the UK have never even heard of misophonia. (Don’t worry, that’s something we’re working on getting changed!) The second thing to note is that even if they did - and we finally get to the stage where...
Where to find the best online misophonia support groups
The Internet is wonderful resource for information about misophonia... but it can also be a bit of a minefield. If you've only just learned that this condition has a name, and you're looking to connect with others, it can be hard to know where to go to get sound...
What is an fMRI scan and how can it help us to understand misophonia?
You've probably heard of MRI scans. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to build up a picture of what's going on inside our bodies. Typically these scans are used to help doctors diagnosis injuries or conditions...
Where to find the latest misophonia studies and research papers
The best way to increase our understanding of misophonia and find effective treatments is to focus on the research. It's great that misophonia has been getting more press recently, but we're in danger of falling into a bit of an information loop... with the same tired...
Beware of these so-called misophonia ‘cures’…
One of the most extraordinary things about misophonia is just how little we know about it. While it's now a recognised disorder in many places it's still massively underfunded, under-researched and misunderstood. The current lack of regulation has made misophonia a...
Why does stress make your misophonia worse?
Let's face it, stress makes everything worse to some extent, but it can send misophonia into hyperdrive. So why does the misophonia seem to get so much worse when you’re feeling stressed? When you’re feeling relaxed you have more time and headspace to react to it....
Kelly Osborne reveals that she has misophonia
So Kelly Osborne has come out as a misophone! In a speech at a gala lunch for the charity Friendly House, where Kelly was awarded ‘2015 Woman of the Year’, she revealed: “For years the sound of other people chewing, chomping, slurping and gurgling has made me feel...
General Problems in the Misophonia Research: The Abyss of Misperception We Are All Creating
The History of Misophonia Research, by Jennifer Jo-Brout, Psy.D (Part III of III) In part I and II we talked about the confusion in terminology and positioning regarding misophonia: Does it belong to audiology or psychology or neuroscience… and so on. One thing is...
Is Misophonia a Neurological, Psychiatric, or Auditory Disorder?
The History of Misophonia Research, by Jennifer Jo-Brout, Psy.D (Part II of III) The small body of research emerging in misophonia tends to address 4 core issues: Specific symptoms Possible causes Overlaps with other disorders The extent to which the disorder impairs...
Confusion With Terminology: Who gets to name the baby?
The History of Misophonia Research, by Jennifer Jo-Brout, Psy.D (Part I of III) Jastreboff and Jastreboff first coined the term Misophonia, which literally means “hatred of sound”, in 2001. Dr. Pawel Jastreboff is a Professor of Otology (Head and Neck Surgery) at...
Please Sign This Petition to Help Raise Awareness About Misophonia
On a segment on the Today Show (which aired on August the 20th) presenters Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb talk about misophonia. It's a short clip and they spend most of it laughing about misophonia, trying to mimic trigger sounds and doubting that it actually...
Should You Tell Friends and Family That You Have Misophonia?
One of the most difficult and important questions you face if you have misophonia, is whether or not to tell other people that you have it. There are a huge range of complex emotions and factors at play. Will they understand? Will they treat me differently? Does it...