Latest Misophonia Research

This is where we take a look at the latest misophonia research.

Just click on any of the studies below to see a summary of the findings. You’ll also have the option to click through to the full versions of these reports.

Academic papers and research studies can be a little wordy and complicated at times so please don’t worry if you find some of the language hard going.

That’s why the intros, summaries and conclusions to these papers are often a good place to get a feel for what the author is trying to show, as the language tends to be a little more accessible.

The Motor Basis for Misophonia

The Motor Basis for Misophonia

Sukhbinder Kumar, Pradeep Dheerendra, Mercede Erfanian, Ester Benzaquén, William Sedley, Phillip E. Gander, Meher Lad, Doris E. Bamiou and Timothy D. Griffiths Hypothesis: "... we hypothesized that the mirror neuron system related to orofacial movements could underlie...

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EMDR Beyond PTSD: A Systematic Literature Review

EMDR Beyond PTSD: A Systematic Literature Review

Alicia Valiente-Gómez, Ana Moreno-Alcázar, Devi Treen5, Carlos Cedrón, Francesc Colom, Víctor Pérez, and Benedikt L. Amann Important Note: This systematic literature review is not specifically misophonia or sensory processing disorder related. However, because a...

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A Large-Scale Study of Misophonia

A Large-Scale Study of Misophonia

Romke Rouw, Mercede Erfanian Background: “A large online study extensively surveyed personal, developmental, and clinical characteristics of over 300 misophonics.” Findings: “Most participants indicated that their symptoms started in childhood or early teenage years....

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The Brain Basis for Misophonia

The Brain Basis for Misophonia

Sukhbinder Kumar, Olana Tansley-Hancock, William Sedley, Joel S. Winston, Martina F. Callaghan, Micah Allen, Thomas E. Cope, Phillip E. Gander, Doris-Eva Bamiou, Timothy D. Griffiths Featured in Current Biology, February 2nd 2017 Highlights: Trigger sounds elicit...

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Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory Processing Disorder

L.J. Miller, R.C. Schaaf Summary: "Summary: "... Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a complex developmental disorder affecting children and adults. People with SPD over-respond, under-respond, excessively crave/seek out intense sensory experiences, have difficulty...

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